
Tuesday 20 September 2016


My picture shows how the ancient olympics but in modern olympics everyone can but in ancient OLmpics  no girls can go only boys but now evey one in the world can.

Friday 16 September 2016

Duffy life

Hey check our cool Duffy life in rooom 14 it's a bit not bad here are my books want to check this life I'm sure someone will you should exspore this life. do you know this life brings your brain to think properly eveyday you may not know when you could move grades of school it helps you think it helps you be smart so what do you think. It even helps you turn your low grade to wow grad it can help you do everything so find some books you can exspore your imagination people!!!!!!

Friday 2 September 2016

Ben Johnson

In 1988 in the Olympic in Seoul there was a race between Ben Johnson  and Carl Lewis who were faster runner. When the race was starting all eyes were on Ben Johnson and Carl lewis