
Tuesday 27 November 2018

Guy Fawkes

On a pitch black stary night it was a day when we light up the sky
With colourful bright fireworks . We lit up those bright fireworks
And watched them explode into the stary night sky . as we lit up
Fire works other people lit up fire works too to make the black stary
Night sky a beautiful piece of explosions and a beautiful piece of
Colourful explorations blast into the pitch black sky and bright colour
Exploded . Boom! The sky exploded with a piece of bright colourful
Colours exploded Kaboom . The fireworks exploded into the sky making
A colour explosion . Also my very eyes were so focused on the colours
And my eyes filled with happiness . kaboom! Pow! Boom! Bang! The fire
Works were a taste of the rainbow but even better . we lit up our sparklers
And they shined gold as a golden star . Then the sky got very dark and we

Lit up these colourful to light up the sky .

sorry i haven't posted much this term ill try to post some more .

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