
Tuesday 19 October 2021

My two weeks holiday.

Two weeks break! 

For the past two weeks it had been the school holidays, a break from school, a bit of fresh air. 

Term 3 had just ended and so my 2 weeks holiday begun. I had planned to sleep through it all, similar to a bear in hibernation.That was what I had planned.What I intended to do. But most plans don’t go according to plan.

Sleep? ,Whats that? , never heard of it , well atleast I did ,but that was long before. PM to AM and AM to PM.Hearing the birds chirp was a sense of accomplishment .Slightly similar to the habits of those who binge watch. Long story short I stayed up and became sleep deprived. The End.

Or is it? …


  1. Spoiler alert, it's the end.

  2. Hi Valessa,

    What a cool piece of writing! I loved the language features you used and the description you used. I have also been experiencing this staying up with my newborn! I love the phrase 'hearing the birds chirp was a sense of accomplishment ', I will think of this next time Im up in the early morning.
    I hope you are taking care in the lockdown, it is great seeing you sharing learning on your blog.

    Mrs Stone
