
Friday 10 May 2019

What are you most grateful for in life?

                    What are you most grateful for in life?

In life I am most grateful for having a lovely Family and for some nice siblings who help me when I am stuck .  I am happy that my family are always there for me when I need them. I am also grateful that my parents gave me my name and they also have did a lot for me and I think its hard to take care of four kids because like my parents always have to buy lunch, pay bills, get school supplies, pay to go to school, pay for electricity, pay for WiFi, get presents for Christmas and birthdays.  I am very grateful that I have lovely parents, siblings and family. I am very happy that my parents have provided food for me, that they have provided a home for me and that they enrolled me in school . I am the happiest girl in the world because I have my family always with me and right by my side! Family is the most important thing to me in the world , without them I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now . I love my family and I love everything about them I wouldn’t achieve anything without them. I am very happy that my family have took care of me and provided so much things for me and I am happy because they have provided a lot of things for me , they have also worked hard to get money and do a lot of things to provide for me. Without them I would be living under a bridge and be using cardboard as a blanket . I love my family a lot I am very grateful! I am also very thankful to have a wonderful lovely teacher who has been my teacher and who makes me happy ( WHO HAS BEEN MY FAVOURITE TEACHER OUT OF ALL THE TEACHERS WHO HAVE TAUGHT ME ) I am very happy that my teacher has teacher me so many things in 2 years! I am very thankful and grateful for all those things !

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